Pay Less Attention with Lightweight and Dynamic Convolutions

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NLPIR SEMINAR Y2019#10 INTRO In the ne…

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Point to the point : Uyghur morphological segmentation using Pointer Network with GRU

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NLPIR SEMINAR Y2019#9 INTRO In the new…

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Glyce: Glyph-vectors for Chinese Character Representations

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NLPIR SEMINAR Y2019#8 INTRO In the new…

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SentiGAN: Generating Sentimental Texts via Mixture Adversarial Networks

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NLPIR SEMINAR Y2019#7 INTRO In the new…

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Variational Knowledge Graph Reasoning

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NLPIR SEMINAR Y2019#6 INTRO In the new…

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End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks

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NLPIR SEMINAR Y2019#5 INTRO In the new…

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