Qinghong Jiang – Master of BIT

Personal information:

Name: Qinghong Jiang

Address: Beijing Institute of Technology, Haidian District, Beijing , 100081.

Sex: female; Nationality: China

Master of BIT,Member of the NLPIR Big Data Search and Mining Lab


Email: jocelyn0709@163.com


2008.9 – 2012.6: Bachelor degree at Harbin Normal University

2018.9 – now: Master degree at Beijing Institute of Technology


2012-2013: Tansun Technologies Inc.
Java software engineer
Develop web application system with java language. spring structs hibernate framework. DB2 database Oracle database.

2013-2017: Hundsun Technologies Inc.
Java senior software engineer
Develop web application system with java language. spring mvc hibernate framework. Oracle database Mysql database.

Computer skils:

programming language:Java / Python
Database:Oracle / Mysql / Db2
Structure framework: Spring mvc + hibernate / spring boot
/ spring + structs + hibernate

Research mission:

Develop system of automatic sentiment analysis with nlpir

NLP algorithms and knowledge graph

Competences and qualities:

English: level of CET 6

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