Kevin Zhang or Huaping Zhang

中文版 Chinese Version

Professor Kevin Zhang  (张华平,Zhang Hua-Ping)

National Level Leading Talents
Ph.d Supervisor (Yearly 3 Ph.d, 5 master candidates)
Director, NLPIR Big Data Search and Mining Lab. 
Beijing Institute of Technology
Add: No.5, South St.,Zhongguancun,Haidian District,Beijing,P.R.C  PC:100081
Website: (Natural Language Processing and
Information Retrieval Sharing Platform)
Subscriptions: Thousands of  Big Data Experts

1. Brief Intro.:

Dr. Kevin (or Hua-Ping) Zhang is awarded with National Level Leading Talents , Ph.D supervisor from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT, Yearly 3 Ph.d, 5 master candidates), and work as the director of NLPIR Lab. of Big Data Search and Mining in BIT.  He is chief secretary of Board of Intelligence MulitiLingual Information Processing (IMLIP), affiliated with Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI); and Distinguished member of China Computer Federation (CCF). His research interests include Big Data search and mining, natural language process especially with Chinese language processing.  He is guest professor in Xinjiang Univeristy, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Capital Normal University and Liaoning Normal University. Dr. Zhang is a reviewer of several journals, such as ACL、COLING、EMNLP、IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(top journal)、Knowledge-Based Systems (top journal), Computer Research and Development, China Online Scientific Paper.As the team leader, he has been granted over 30 research projects by National Science Foundation of China, China Fundamental Research Plan, and Defense Technology Foundation.  Dr. Zhang has published 5 books, over 100 papers. He developed Chinese lexical analysis system NLPIR/ICTCLAS, which was the most cited work in Chinese natural language processing domain (over 20,000 citations).  He was awarded with the first prize of Qian Wei-Chang Chinese Information Science and Technology Award (top award in Chinese NLP field) in 2010, the Second Prize of Science and Technology Award from Xinjiang Government  for Progress in Science and Technology  in 2016, First Prize of Science and Technology Award from Xinjiang Government   for Progress in Science and Technology  in 2021 (the 2nd position),  and the Second Prize of National Defense Science and Technology Award  in 2022.

2. Academic Experience:

Program Chair of National Conference of Social Media Processing in China;

Program Committee of  Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP)

Big Data Summit 2014 Program Committee Member

3. Education Experience:

  1. September,2000 – July, 2005, Ph.D in Computer Sciences from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences  (Ph.D supervisor: Professor Shuo Bai; Master supervisor: Professor Xueqi Cheng, Team Leader: Professor Qun Lin)
  2. September,1995 – July, 1999, Bachelar Degree in Computer Sciences from North China University of Technology.
  3. Nov.,2007-May 2008, Executive Development Program in Guanghua Management School of Peking University.

4. Research Experience:

  1. Nov.,2009 – , Phd Supervisor in Beijing Institute of Technology, Director of NLPIR Big Data Search and Mining.
  2. September,2006 – Nov., 2009, Associate Professor in Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  3. July.,2005-September 2006,Assistant Professor in Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

5. Award:

1.  “Changjiang Scholars” by Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, 2023

2. First Prize of Science and Technology Award from Xinjiang Government   for Progress in Science and Technology  in 2021; For his work:  Research on Chinese and Uygur Big Data Semantic Intelligent Analysis and Its Application.

3. Second Prize of Science and Technology Award from Xinjiang Government   for Progress in Science and Technology  in 2016; For his work: Key Technology Research and Development in Uygur Web Mining.

4.The first prize of Qian Wei-Chang Chinese Information Science and Technology Award (top award in Chinese NLP field) in 2010. For his work:  Chinese Lexical Analysis System ICTCLAS.

5. President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Special President Award of Institute of Computing Technology(ICT), CAS. in 2004

6. Best Speaker in China Cyberspace Administration in 2016.

6. Classic Papers

Linhan Li and Zhang Huaping. 2024. Context Length Extension via Generalized Extrapolation Scale. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024, pages 4211–4218, Bangkok, Thailand and virtual meeting. Association for Computational Linguistics. (CCF A top conference)

Zichao Lin, Shuyan Guan, Wending Zhang, Huiyan Zhang, Yugang Li & Huaping Zhang. Towards trustworthy LLMs: a review on debiasing and dehallucinating in large language modelsArtificial Intelligence Reivew 57, 243 (2024). (SCI Q1, CAS Q2,Impactor Factor: 11.7)

Yanhao Wang, Baohua Zhang, Weikang Liu, Jiahao Cai, Huaping Zhang*,STMAP: A novel semantic text matching model augmented with embedding perturbations,
Information Processing & Management,Volume 61, Issue 1,2024,103576,ISSN 0306-4573,
(,SCI CAS Q1,Impactor Factor: 8.6,top paper)

Baohua Zhang, Jiahao Cai, Huaping Zhang*, Jianyun Shang,VisPhone: Chinese named entity recognition model enhanced by visual and phonetic features,Information Processing & Management,Volume 60, Issue 3,2023,103314,ISSN 0306-4573, (SCI CAS Q1,Impactor Factor: 8.6,top paper)

R. Yan, H. Zhang, W. Silamu and A. Hamdulla, “Unsupervised word Segmentation Based on Word Influence,” ICASSP 2023 – 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096718. (Top conference on signal processing)

Wenyao Cui, Jiahao Cai, Baohua Zhang, Yongyi Huang, Huaping Zhang*, “BRIDGING THE GAP: A SELF-LEARNING MODEL USING IMPLICIT KNOWLEDGE FOR CHINESE SPELLING CORRECTION” ICASSP 2024 – 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea,  2024, pp. 1-5, doi: (Top conference on signal processing)

Zhang B, Zhang H*, Shang J and Cai J ,PsyAttention: Psychological Attention Model for Personality Detection,findings of EMNLP2023 (Accepted. one of top NLP conferences)

Brahimi, N.; Zhang, H.; Zaidi, S.D.A.; Dai, L. A Unified Spatio-Temporal Inference Network for Car-Sharing Serial Prediction. Sensors 202424, 1266.  ( SCI indexed, JCR Q2,中科院区3区 Impactor Factor: 3.9)

Zhang B, Zhang H*, Shang J and Cai J (2022) An Augmented Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis Using GrammarFront. Neurorobot. 16:897402. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2022.897402 ( SCI indexed, JCR Q2, CAS Q3 Impactor Factor: 3.493)

Li, L.H., Zhang, H.P., Li, C.J., et al.: Evaluation on ChatGPT for Chinese Language Understanding. Data Intelligence 5(4) (2023).1-19 doi: (SCI indexed,Q2, CAS Q3, IF 3.9)

Asif Khan, Huaping Zhang,*, Nada Boudjellal, Arshad Ahmad and Maqbool Khan,Improving Sentiment Analysis in Election-Based Conversations on Twitter with ElecBERT Language Model.Computers, Materials & Continua 2023, 76(3), 3345-3361. (SCI indexed,Q2, CAS Q3)

Zhang Huaping, Li Linhan, Li Chunjin. ChatGPT Performance Evaluation on Chinese Language and Risk Measures[J]. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 0(0): 1-10 doi:10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2023.0214

Kai Kang, Huaping Zhang*, Yugang Li, Xi Luo and Silamu Wushour, Automatic Academic Paper Rating Based on Modularized Hierarchical Attention Network, CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2022), Guilin China, Sep. 2022 (Accepted)
Ziyan Yang, Huaping Zhang*, Shang Jianyun and Silamu Wushour, An Enhanced New Word Identification Approach Using Bilingual Alignment, CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC 2022), Guilin China, Sep. 2022 (Accepted)

Asif Khan, Huaping Zhang*, Nada Boudjellal, Arshad Ahmad, Jianyun Shang, Lin Dai, Bashir Hayat, “Election Prediction on Twitter: A Systematic Mapping Study“, Complexity, vol. 2021, Article ID 5565434, 27 pages, 2021. ( SCI indexed, JCR Q1,CAS Q2 Impactor Factor: 2.462)

Nada Boudjellal, Huaping Zhang*, Asif Khan, Arshad Ahmad, Rashid Naseem, Jianyun Shang, Lin Dai, “ABioNER: A BERT-Based Model for Arabic Biomedical Named-Entity Recognition”Complexity, vol. 2021, Article ID 6633213, 6 pages, 2021. ( SCI indexed, JCR Q1,CAS Q2 Impactor Factor: 2.462)

Nada Boudjellal, Huaping Zhang*, Asif Khan, Arshad Ahmad, Rashid Naseem, Lin Dai, “A Silver Standard Biomedical Corpus for Arabic Language“, Complexity, vol. 2020, Article ID 8896659, 7 pages, 2020. ( SCI indexed, JCR Q1,CAS Q2 Impactor Factor: 2.462)

Asif Khan, Huaping Zhang*(Corresponding Author), Jianyun Shang, Nada Boudjellal, Arshad Ahmad, Asmat Ali, Lin Dai, “Predicting Politician’s Supporters’ Network on Twitter Using Social Network Analysis and Semantic Analysis“, Scientific Programming, vol. 2020, Article ID 9353120, 17 pages, 2020. (SCI indexed, JCR Q2, Impactor 0.963)

Nada Boudjellal, Huaping Zhang*(Corresponding Author), Asif Khan, Arshad Ahmad, “Biomedical Relation Extraction Using Distant Supervision“, Scientific Programming, vol. 2020, Article ID 8893749, 9 pages, 2020. indexed, JCR Q2, Impactor 0.963)

Huaping Zhang,Linfang WU,Changhe Li, Jianyun Shang.Knowledge Graph Construction and Application Using Small Corpus.Artificial Intelligence;2020 No.2: p114-126
Huaping Zhang1, Jun Miao2, Ziyu Liu1, Ian Logan Wesson1, Jianyun Shang1;NLPIR-Parser: Making Chinese and English Semantic Analysis Easier and Complete;15th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data;France, 2020.8

Baohua ZHANG, Huaping ZHANG, Tieshuai LI, Jianyun SHANG. Chinese comment sentiment analysis method based on multi-input model and syntactic structure[J]. Big Data Research, 2021, 7(6): 41-52.

Huaping Zhang1, Jianyun Shang. NLPIR-Parser: Big Data Semantic Analysis Platform. Corpus Linguistics. Vol 6 No.1:pp87-104 ,2019 

Huaping Zhang,Jianyun Shang. Social Media Oriented New words detection on Open Domain.Journal of China Information Processing.Vol.31No.3,115-121. 2017.5
Huaping Zhang,Hengxun Li,Qingmin Li. Sentimental Words Detection and Plority Weighting. Journal of China Information Processing.Vol.31No.3,115-121. 2017.5

Huaping Zhang,Mengshu Sun, Ruiqi Zhang, Lei Li, Big Data Mining  of Microblog User Feature and Activity; Communications of China Computer Federation.2014.6.p36-p43

Huaping Zhang,Ruiqi Zhang,Yanping Zhao,Baojun Ma;Big Data Modeling and Analysis of Microblog Ecosystem;International Journal of Automation and Computing,2014.11(2) p119-127

Baojun Ma,Huaping Zhao,Guoqing Chen,Yanping Zhao;Investigating Associative Classification for Software Fault Prediction: An Experimental Perspective;Int’l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,2013( SCI Indexed)

Hua-Ping ZHANG, Jian Sun, Bin WANG, Shuo BAI. Computation on Sentence Semantic Distance for Novelty Detection; Chinese Journal of Computer Science and Tech. vol.3, 2005( SCI Indexed)

Hua-Ping ZHANG, Jian Sun, Bin WANG, Shuo BAI. Computation on Sentence Semantic Distance for Novelty Detection; Chinese Journal of Computer Science and Tech. vol.3, 2005
Qun Liu,Huaping Zhang,Hongkui Yu,Xueqi Cheng.Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Casacaded Hidden Markov Model.  Computer Research and Development, vol.41, No.8, 2004, pp.1421-1429
Hua-Ping ZHANG, Qun LIU, Hong-Kui YU, Xue-Qi CHENG, Shuo BAI. Chinese Name Entity Recognition Using Role Model.  Special issue “Word Formation and Chinese Language processing” of the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, vol.8, No.2, 2003, pp. 29-602
Huaping Zhang, Qun Liu.Chinese Rough Word Segmentation Modeling using N shortest paths. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2002.9, Vol.16(5):pp.1-pp.7;

7. Teaching:

Graduate Course:Big Data Analysis and Application

Undergraduate Course:Big Data Technology; Assembly Language Programming, C Language Programming

8. Research Projects:

Research on Machine Translation and Content Generation for Minor Languages Using Multilingual Knowledge and Few Shot Learning; Foundation Augumentation Program Technical Funding; 2021.10-2024.10;2M;Hosted by Huaping Zhang

Research on Chinese Text Profreading Based on Pretrained Language Model and Domain Knowledge Graph; Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.4212026); 2021.1-2023.12;200K;Hosted by Huaping Zhang

Research on Natural Language Generation; China Electronics Technology Group Corporation; 2020.7-2021.12; 8.97m;Hosted by Huaping Zhang

Research on Configure Security; 2021.1-2022.12; 3m;Hosted by Huaping Zhang

Research on Web Public Opinion Mining on Justice Domain 2018YFC0832304 121

Research on Targeted Group Detection Using Semantic Topic and Social Relationship;National Science Foundation of China (NSFC, Grand No: 61772075); 2018.1-2021.12;610K;Leader:Huaping Zhang;
Web Log Analysis and User Portrait ,National 242 Security Plan, 700K 2016.6-2017.5 2016A83;Leader:Huaping Zhang;

Credit System Architecture Design for the People’s Central Bank of China, 2015.5-10

Key Technology on Text Mining,National 242 Security Plan, 800K 2014.11-2015.5 ;2014A10; Leader:Huaping Zhang;

Basic Research on Social Networks Analysis and Information Communication, The State 973 Key Basic Research and Development Program,96,2013.1-2017.12, sub-project leader: Huaping Zhang; 2013CB329606
Research on Sentiment Analysis in Microblogs based on users personalization.840.2013.1-2016.12.National Science Foundation of China (NSFC, Grand No: 61272362); Leader:Huaping Zhang
Xinjiang Uygur Web Crawlering and Search; Science and technology supporting Program in Xijing District; 2012.1-2013.12 2

Meteorological Report Generation Based on Time and Space Inference, China Meteorological Admininstration,2010.9-2011.9
China Postal Address Search,China Post Group, 2011.1-2011.3 1
Web Topic Detection, Communication and Evolution, the 863 National High-Technology Project, 2007.9-2009.7
Web Surveillance System for  China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) 2008.11-2009.6

9. Graduated :

Ian Logan Wesson, Master,2018-2020,Thesis(A Novel Multimodal Model for Event Detection in Videos), from USA
G. Sheryta Yvette, Master,2018-2020,Thesis(Ewe Language Processing using Transfer Learning),from TOGO

Changhe Li, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2019

Xinming Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2019

Xi Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master , 2016

Jingjing Wan, Beijing Institute of Technology, CASIA, 2017

Nihad, Beijing Institute of Technology, Ph.D Candidate, 2018

IIham Nugraha, Beijing Institute of Technology, Ph.D Candidate, 2018 (from Indonesia )
Nada , Beijing Institute of Technology, Ph.D Candidate, 2017 (from Indonesia )
Asif Khan, Beijing Institute of Technology, Ph.D Candidate, 2018 (from Parkistan)
Baohua Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2018

Qinghong Jiang, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2018

Ziyu Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2018
Gang Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2018
G. Sheryta Yvette, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Candidate, 2018 2018 (from Togo)
Eram , Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2016  (from Parkistan),back to Parkistan
Afazi , Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2016  (from Indonesia),back to Indonesia as a University Teacher
Shen Gao, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2016,Ph.d Candidate in Peking University
Bin Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2016,work in China Unicom
Chengcheng Xu, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2015,work in Baidu
Songze Wu, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2015,work in Baidu
Yanan Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2015,work in Baidu
Bingbing Lu, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2015,work in Defense
Min Yu, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2014,work in Sanming Institute
Yang Qian,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2014,work in  Academy of China Mobile;
Yu Zhang,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2014,work in  Baidu;
Lianwei Zhao,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2013,work in  Agricultural Bank of China;
Xuewen Shi,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2013,Ph.D Candidate in BIT
Xiaoyang Chen,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  Microsoft Research Asia;
Ruiqi Zhang,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  Defense Department;
Lei Li,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  Amazon China;
Mengshu Sun,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  Alipay;
Qi Wang,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  the People’s Central Bank of China;

Qian Zhu,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  the First Institute of Electronics, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China;

Ran Li,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2012,work in  Baidu;
Xiaobao Zhao,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2011,work in  Huawei;

Qingmin Li,Capital Normal University, Master Degree, 2011,work in  the First Institute of Electronics, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China;

Xiaokan Li,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2010,work in  China Life Insurance Company;
Xiaoran Wang,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2010,work in  BOE Technology Group;

Di Pan,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2010,work in  IBM;

Jian Gao,Beijing Institute of Technology, Master Degree, 2009,work in  China CRRC Corporation Limited;
Henxun Li,Capital Normal University, Master Degree, 2010,work in  the First Institute of Electronics, Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China;

Zhihua Liu,North China University of Technology, Master Degree, 2008,work in Dawn Company;

Pian Jiang, University of Science and Technology in China, Master Degree, 2007,work in Nanjing Institute of Technology;

Jingyang Zhang, Capital Normal University, , Master Degree, 2007,work in NetEase;

Peng Qin, Capital Normal University, , Master Degree, 2007,work in Institute of information engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences;

10. Publications:


Huaping Zhang, Jianyun Shang,Zeyang Tang, Peike Lei. Natural Language Processing and Applications Analysis (2023), Tsinghua University Press(ISBN:978-7-302-64626-6)
Huaping Zhang, Jianyun Shang,Zhaoyou Liu. Big Data Intelligent Analysis (2019), Tsinghua University Press(ISBN:978-7-302-53117-3)
Huaping Zhang, Jianyun Shang,Shuo Bai, Yongchao Duan.Big Data Big Talk, Electronic Industry Press(ISBN:978-7-121-30181-0), 2017
Huaping Zhang, Kai Gao,Heyan Huang,Yanping Zhao.Big Data Search and Mining, Science Publishing Press.2014.(ISBN:978-7-03-040318-6)
Huaping Zhang,Henxun Li,Zhihua Liu.Information Retrieval: Algorithm and Heuristics (Translation),People’s Post Press, 2010.(ISBN:978-7-115-23575-6)
Qun Liu,Huaping Zhang,Weihua Luo,Jian Sun,Natural Language Understanding(Translation), Electronic Industry Press, 2005. (ISBN:7-121-00755-X)
Kai Gao,Jing Qiu,Xiaoming Zhang, Wei Wang,Huaping Zhang,Information Retrieval and Intelligence Processing,Defense Industry Press. 2014。


Huaping Zhang, Sili Wang. A Dictionary Management and Retrieval Method Using Perfect Double Array TRIE (No. 200510130690.3),

Jiandong Zhou,Yanping Zhao, Huaping Zhang, Xiang Li. Emotion Congnitive Ability Prediction and Visulization on Individual and Groups (No: 20140795679.8)

【Other Papers】

Ruohao Yan,, Huaping Zhang*,Karl. Research on Uyghur morphological segmentation based on long sequence labeling method,5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Machine Learning (SPML 2022), Dalin China, Aug. 2022 (Accepted)

Asif Khan, Huaping Zhang*, Nada Boudjellal, Arshad Ahmad, Lin Dai, Jianyun Shang, Philipp Haindl, A Comparative Study Between Rule-Based and Transformer-Based Election Prediction Approaches: 2020 US Presidential Election as a Use Case, the 2nd International Workshop on AI System Engineering: Math, Modelling and Software (AISys2022), Vienna, Austria, Aug. 2022 (Accepted)

Shen Gao, Huaping Zhang, Kai Gao. A Convolutional Neural Network Based Sentiment Classification and the Convolutional Kernel Representation[C]. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems(NLDB), Springer LNCS, Liège, Belgium, 21-23 June, 2017, EI Compendex index
Shen Gao, Huaping Zhang, Kai Gao. Text Understanding with a Hybrid Neural Network Based Learning[C]. Proceedings of the 3th International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators (ICPCSEE), Springer LNCS, Changsha, China, 22-24 September, 2017, EI Compendex index.
SongZe Wu, Huaping Zhang, Chengcheng Xu, Tao Guo. Text Clustering on Short Message by Using Deep Semantic Representation. International Conference on Computational Sciences, Advanced Database and Computing, 2017.
“CHENGCHENG XU, HUAPING ZHANG, BINGBING LU AND SONGZE WU. Local Community Detection Using Social Relations and Topic Features in Social Networks [M]. Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data. Springer, Cham, 2017, 371-383.”
“BINGBING LU, HUAPING ZHANG, BIN LIU AND ZHONGHUA ZHAO. Research on User Identification Algorithm Based on Massive Multi-site VPN Log [C]. IEEE, International Conference on Communication Technology.  IEEE, 2017:1372-1381”

A Convolutional Neural Network Based Sentiment Classification and the Convolutional Kernel Representation
News Abridgement Algorithm Based on Word Alignment and Syntactic Parsing[M]// Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data. 2016.

Qiao Y, Zhang Huaping(*), Yu M, et al. Sina-Weibo Spammer Detection with GBDT [M]// Social Media Processing. Springer Singapore, 2016.
Yang Qiao,Huaping Zhang*,.Effective Detecting Microblog Spammers Using Big Data Fusion Algorithm.WorldComp’16,July 25-28,Las Vegas,Nevada,USA

Jiandong Zhou, Yanping Zhao, Huaping Zhang. Measuring Emotion Bifurcation Points for Individuals in Social Media[C].the Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Jan.5-8, 2016, Honolulu, KAUAI, Hawaii USA.2016:1949-1958.

Ran Li,Huaping Zhang,Yanping Zhao,Jianyun Shang. Automatic Text Summarization Research Based on Topic Model and Information Entropy.Computer Science.2014-11

Kai Gao*, Hua-ping Zhang, Sheng-wang Li, Wei Wang, Jing Qiu;Research on Classification Algorithm and its Application in Cased-Based Reasoning,2014

Huaping Zhang,Weibo Computation Modeling Centered on Personality, Complex System and Science,Vol.4, 2012: p84-91

Hua-Ping Zhang,Huan-Ping Wu,Jian Gao,Yan-Ping Zhao,Zhong-Liang Lv,Meteorological Bulletin Automatic Generation based on Spatio-Temporal Reasoning,In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics in Guangxi, China,2011.7,p1927-1931

Hua-Ping Zhang, Qian Mo,He-Yang Huang,Structured POI data Extraction from Internet News,In Proceedings of the 4th International Universal Communication Symposium (IUCS 2010) in Beijing, China,2010.10,p115-120(Invited Speech)
Hua-Ping ZHANG,Jian GAO,Qian MO, He-Yan HUANG. Incorporating New Words Detection with Chinese Word Segmentation. In Proceedings of CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing (CLP 2010).Beijing, China.2010.8 .p249-251.
Hua-Ping ZHANG,Zhi-Hua LIU,Qian MO,He-Yan HUANG. Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation Based on Person Modeling. In Proceedings of CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing (CLP 2010).Beijing, China.2010.8 .p374-378

Hua-Ping Zhang, Hong-Bo Xu, Shuo Bai, Bin Wang, Xue-Qi Cheng. Experiments in TREC 2004 Novelty Track at CAS-ICT. In Proc. of the 13th Text Retrieval Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November, 2004, pp287
Huaping Zhang, Qun Liu.Chinese Personal Name Recognition Based on Role Tagging. Journal of China Computer Science, vol.27, No.1, 2004, pp.85-91

Hua-Ping ZHANG, Qun LIU, Hong-Kui YU, Xue-Qi CHENG, Shuo BAI. Chinese Name Entity Recognition Using Role Model.  Special issue “Word Formation and Chinese Language processing” of the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, vol.8, No.2, 2003, pp. 29-602
Hua-Ping ZHANG, Qun LIU, Xue-Qi CHENG, Hao Zhang, Hong-Kui Yu. Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model, Second SIGHAN workshop affiliated with 41st ACL; Sapporo Japan, July, 2003, pp. 63-70
Hua-Ping ZHANG, Hong-Kui Yu, De-Yi Xiong, Qun LIU. HHMM-based Chinese Lexical Analyzer ICTCLAS, Second SIGHAN workshop affiliated with 41th ACL; Sapporo Japan, July, 2003, pp. 184-187
Kevin Zhang (Hua-Ping Zhang), Qun Liu, Hao Zhang, Xueqi Cheng. Automatic Recognition of Chinese Unknown Words Based on Role Tagging, First SIGHAN affiliated with 19th COLING, September 2002, pp71-77

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About the Author: nlpir
