This week’s seminar is organized as follows:
1.Liu Wei-Kang will give the presentation, the papers’ title:基于有效特征与多维度依赖的多元时序异常检测方法.
2.Chen Li-Feng will give the presentation, the papers’ title:基于元学习的异质图小样本节点分类研究.
3.Kang Kai will give the presentation, the papers’ title:事件检测中开放域知识指导的触发词语义增强方法研究.
4.Zhang Heng-Yu will give the presentation, the papers’ title:基于地理位置区块链的出租车调度系统设计与实现.
5.Lei Pei-Ke will give the presentation, the papers’ title:应用知识图谱技术实现面向新冠疫情的自动化可视化流调分析.
6.Yang Man-Zhi will give the presentation, the papers’ title:融合模板信息的神经网络自动译后编辑技术.
7.Yang Zi-Yan will give the presentation, the papers’ title:基于语句语义相似度的网络新词发现算法.
8.Zhang Jun-Hui will give the presentation, the papers’ title:基于光线追踪的三维场景热成像快速绘制及漫游.
9.Zhang Xiao-Song will give the presentation, the papers’ title:面向多源异构数据的集成化数据预处理平台设计与实现.

  1. The seminar will be hosted by You Hao-Wen.
  2. The seminar time is 1: 20 pm Mon(May 23, 2022)online.

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About the Author: chenlifeng
