In the new semester, our Lab, Web Search Mining and Security Lab, plans to hold an academic seminar every Wednesdays, and each time a keynote speaker will share understanding of papers published in recent years with you.
This week’s seminar is organized as follows:
1. The seminar time is, Wed, at Zhongguancun Technology Park ,Building 5, 1306.
2. The lecturer is Shen Li, the paper’s title is Design Challenges and Misconceptions in Neural Sequence Labeling.
3. The seminar will be hosted Baohua Zhang.
4. Attachment is the paper of this seminar, please download in advance
Everyone interested in this topic is welcomed to join us. the following is the abstract for this week’s paper
Design Challenges and Misconceptions in Neural Sequence Labeling
Jie Yang Shuailong Liang Yue Zhang
We investigate the design challenges of constructing effective and efficient neural sequence labeling systems, by reproducing twelve neural sequence labeling models, which include most of the state-of-the-art structures, and conduct a systematic model comparison on three benchmarks (i.e. NER, Chunking, and POS tagging). Misconceptions and inconsistent conclusions in existing literature are examined and clarified under statistical experiments. In the comparison and analysis process, we reach several practical conclusions which can be useful to practitioners.