Welcome to PyNLPIR’s documentation!

PyNLPIR is a Python wrapper around the NLPIR/ICTCLAS Chinese segmentation software.

PyNLPIR allows you to easily segment Chinese text using NLPIR, one of the most widely-regarded Chinese text analyzers:

import pynlpir

s = '欢迎科研人员、技术工程师、企事业单位与个人参与NLPIR平台的建设工作。'

[('欢迎', 'verb'), ('科研', 'noun'), ('人员', 'noun'), ('、', 'punctuation mark'), ('技术', 'noun'), ('工程师', 'noun'), ('、', 'punctuation mark'), ('企事业', 'noun'), ('单位', 'noun'), ('与', 'conjunction'), ('个人', 'noun'), ('参与', 'verb'), ('NLPIR', 'noun'), ('平台', 'noun'), ('的', 'particle'), ('建设', 'verb'), ('工作', 'verb'), ('。', 'punctuation mark')]

If this is your first time using PyNLPIR, check out Installation. Then read the Tutorial.

If you want a more in-depth view of PyNLPIR, check out the PyNLPIR API.

If you’re looking to help out, check out Contributing.


If you encounter a bug, have a feature request, or need help using PyNLPIR, then use PyNLPIR’s GitHub Issues page to send feedback.

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About the Author: nlpir
