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• Ph.D. Department of Management Science and
            School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua
University, Expected July. 2013
            Advisor: Prof. Guoqing CHEN

• Visiting Scholor  Department of Decision
Sciences and Information Management
                             Faculty of
Business and Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, June-August. 2010
                          Advisor: Prof. Jan Vanthienen

• B.E.  Information Management and Information
           School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University,
July. 2007
           Advisor: Prof. Guoqing CHEN


•  Information Retrieval and Web Search

•  E-commerce and Search Services

•  Data Mining and Business Intelligence


•  Zheng Weimin Scholarship (郑维敏奖学金), 2011 and

•  Xiao Linshi Scholarship for research paper on
Chinese economics (小林实中国经济研究论文奖), 2012

•  Best paper of the Association for Information
Management (国际信息管理协会最佳论文奖), 2012

•  Excellent tutor scholarship of Tsinghua
University (清华大学一二*九优秀辅导员奖), 2009

•  JiangZhen 1st-class Scholarship
(清华之友–蒋震综合一等奖学金), 2008

•  Outstanding Undergraduate of Beijing District
(City level, 北京地区高校优秀毕业生), 2007

•  Excellent Undergraduate of Tsinghua University
(清华大学优良毕业生), 2007

•  Outstanding Student Leader of Tsinghua
University (清华大学优秀学生干部), 2007

•  EMC 1st-class Scholarship (清华之友–EMC综合一等奖学金),



Mr. Baojun MA is the Ph.D. candidate in Department of Management Science and
Engineering in School of Economics and
in Tsinghua University, who has obtained his bachelor degree of
Information Management and Information Systems also in Tsinghua University in
2007. His research interests focus on business analytics and decision-making,
e-commerce and search services. Baojun MA is supervised by Professor Guoqing CHEN, who
is the EMC Chair Professor and China’s Chang-Jiang Scholars Professor. His work
has been published in several international academic journals, such as Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications(ECRA)
and Journal
of Enterprise Information Management

Baojun MA has been the
visiting scholar in Faculty of
Business and Economics in K. U. Leuven
in Belgium from June to August in
2010. Furthermore, he received several honors, such as Xiao Linshi scholarship
for research paper on Chinese economics, Excellent Graduate of Beijing (city
level) & of THU (university level), Outstanding Student Leader of THU,
Excellent tutor scholarship of Tsinghua University, etc. He also serves as the
review assistant for several important international journals in Information
Systems field, such as ACM Transactions on
Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS)
, Information
, Knowledge-Based
Systems (KBS)
, Fuzzy Optimization
and Decision Making (FODM)
, Information
and Management (I&M)
, International Journal
of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS)
, Applied
Mathematics and Computation (JAMC)
as well as International Journal
of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS)
. Meanwhile,
Baojun MA also acts as the reviewer for publications in ECRA, I&M, IJCIS and



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