

联系方式: kevinzhang#bit.edu.cn
Intro. to NLPIR Lab.
NLPIR Lab. in Beijing Institute of Technology(NLPIR@BIT) aims to be the world-class innovation research and technology team in multilingual information intelligence processing, big data intelligence, especially with Chinese language.
Big Data Intelligence:Extracts knowledge and insights from all micro pieces of complex dataset, which is instantly changing, various and different, with the tools of natural language processing, information retrieval and deep learning.
The research interests are including big data search, mining, social network analysis, knowledge graph and natural language processing (NLP). BDSM@BIT has been granted over 20 research projects by National Science Foundation of China, Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development (863 program), Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 program). BDSM@BIT has built a wide cooperation with international universities such as University of Pennsylvania, The Technical University of Madrid and Dublin City University. The technology in BDSM@BIT has been applied in over 500,000 companies including Expert System in Italy, NewsCorp, Huawei and the People’s Daily . The director of BDSM@BIT is Dr. Huaping Zhang (or Kevin Zhang). Dr. Zhang has published 5 books, over 100 papers. He developed Chinese lexical analysis system ICTCLAS, which ranked top in the international word segmentation bakeoff (SIGHAN bakeoff). ICTCLAS is the most poplular Chinese word segmentation system, which is used by over 500,000 organizations (including Huawei, News Corp, Expert Sytem, NEC, NCR) in the world. His system NLPIR/ICTCLAS was the most cited work in Chinese natural language processing domain (over 20,000 citations). He was awarded with the first prize of Qian Wei-Chang Chinese Information Science and Technology Award (top award in Chinese NLP field), Second Prize of Science and Technology Award from Xinjiang Government for Progress in Science and Technology in 2016, First Prize of Science and Technology Award from Xinjiang Government for Progress in Science and Technology in 2021, President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Special President Award of Institute of Computing Technology(ICT), CAS. His research interests include Big Data search and mining, natural langugae process espeically with Chinese language processing. As a famous scientist in Big data and natural language processing, Prof. Zhang has given invited talk on CCTV (the national TV station).