Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model

Hua-Ping ZHANG, Qun LIU, Xue-Qi CHENG, Hao Zhang, Hong-Kui Yu. Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model, Second SIGHAN workshop affiliated with 41st ACL; Sapporo Japan, July, 2003, pp. 63-70

Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model.pdf(213 KB)

This paper presents a unified approach for Chinese lexical analysis using hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM), which aims to incorporate Chinese word segmentation, Part-Of-Speech tagging, disambiguation and unknown words recognition into a whole theoretical frame. A class-based HMM is applied in word segmentation, and in this level unknown words are treated in the same way as common words listed in the lexicon. Unknown words are recognized with reliability in role-based HMM. As for disambiguation, the authors bring forth an n-shortest-path strategy that, in the early stage, reserves top N segmentation results as candidates and covers more ambiguity. Various experiments show that each level in HHMM contributes to lexical analysis. An HHMM-based system ICTCLAS was accomplished. The recent official evaluation indicates that ICTCLAS is one of the best Chinese lexical analyzers. In a word, HHMM is effective to Chinese lexical analysis.

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